Chiropractor with sports massage

Why you want chiropractic and massage

Natural method to resolve pain

The first basic advantage is that they both use natural methods to help you heal. A lot of symptoms are signals from your body that a system or mechanism has dysfunction. Sometimes it doesn't need drugs and sugery. Obviously there are cases that need medical intervention but for less severe cases or for borderline cases there may be an opportunity to trial conservative methods from a remedial massage therapist or, more importantly, a chiropractor first.

Quick results from chiropractic and massage

Another reason to use chiropractic and massage is because you can get results in resolving your symptoms and reducing your pain in a short span of time. Improvement in your condition can be seen in as little as one therapy session and definitely by 2 weeks you should have definite improvement. If there isn't any improvement in your pain or if your symptoms are more severe then you can escalate your case.

Few side effects of massage therapy and chiropractic care

Another key advantage is lack of major side effects. Most people will get some temporary aches for a short time after treatment like the feeling of a hard workout in the gym. We do our best to minimise other side effects but compared to taking anti inflammatory medications, our therapies are lower risk.

Follow the link to read more if you are looking for a chiropractor near Annandale who gets advanced health results.

Can I get the same effect as the chiro and masseuse by doing it myself?

There are more devices like foam rollers and massage guns on the market that can give you benefit with your musculoskeletal problems. The difference with having a practitioner working on you is that they usually have more knowledge and experience in treating the body. This means they will know what are the right parts of your body to work on, how much treatment you need, which is the cause of the problem (not just the effect) and they can correlate your condition with all the other cases that they have seen before. They might even need to refer you to another practitioner.

Another benefit of having a practitioner is that they can get better access or leverage for certain areas of your body. There really is a limit to what therapy you can do on yourself. You can stretch, release and strengthen parts of your body to get a quicker or fuller result from your therapy. So if your practitioner suggest that you should do any rehabilitation at home or formal exercise, then you can play a big part in the success of treating your condition.

What conditions do chiropractors near Camperdown treat?

The sort of conditions we typically treat are:



Neck Pain

Shoulder Conditions

Back Pain



Disc Injury

Poor Posture

Exercise Injury

and more...

What conditions do people see a remedial massage therapist in Broadway for?

The sort of conditions we commonly see are:

Tense Muscles

Exercise Induced Muscle Soreness

'Knots" in Muscles

Tension Headache

Lymphatic Drainage

Stress Relief / Relaxation

Want to find out how our chiropractor and remedial massage therapist can improve your health?
